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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 01:18 AM

((eh I forgot about this. Must figure out post.))
Finx stood in the archery range practicing her shooting well her partner and half brother leaned against the wall supporting it. He knew without looking at him that he had his sword on him it was at his waist were he could easily reach it they were each others protecters she watched his back when he practiced and he watched hers. "I'm all done." she said pulling off her glove the protected her hand and shoved it into her pocket. He nodded and waited for her to leave first her brother didn't talk much it had talken her years to figure out his name was calcifer and even then he won't say anything beyond what was needed to say. "You want to practice?" she asked glancing back at him "no i'm fine." he said keeping his head slightly turned so he could see if anyone snuck up an them. He didn't trust the others here especially not the other boys he was a relativly normal brother though she was way older then him he acted liked she was the younger one. Out of the both of them she was the more emotional one even the other children weren't as emotional as she was maybe it was her age but lucifer was about the same age as she was and he didn't act the way she did. Cal knew she had wanted lucifer as a partner she thought he was cute but when cal had come she had choosen to watch over her little brother instead leaving her crush to pick a diffrent partener and never tell him how she felt.

Last edited by finx15; 05-23-2012 at 01:36 AM..