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a91nicole is offline
Old 01-19-2015, 11:12 PM

The area above is likely an ambush. Oh, well that was comforting. What a wonderful way to ease her vital signs. Though, in all fairness, she'd rather know that now than find out later. Tehra was largely a being that lived without fear, but now, in this place, fear seemed to be all she really knew. It was maddening- the agent was supposed to be the best, she was chosen for this because of how stable she was. Looking at her vitals now, it was clear that she was far from it.

Of course, how could the agency had known about her Achilles heel? According to their records vampires didn't exist, and the history Tehra had given them of her own life had claimed she was held captive by a serial killer- not a vampire and his coven. They would have marked her as insane if she'd tried to tell them about the vampires then. No one believed in vampires until they met one.

The earpiece let out its familiar click in her ear, but it was not Labyrinth's voice that immediately followed. It a voice from within the room they were in- and it was decidedly not in the earpiece. Immediately the one hand that wasn't guiding Labyrinth moved to her gun, ready to draw it should the need arise.

It looks like his work. The voice was unfamiliar, but the sentiments reminded her distinctively of what Labyrinth would say- or really, what she herself might say in the same situation. The words were probably regarding the strange unblinking bloodied vampire before them, but Tehra could only think of a different him in the current situation. Even seven years later, the sheer ferocity and violence of the attack brought to mind what she'd seen Devan do to vampires that displeased him or the occasional food sources that weren't her or Kate.

The agent shook it off. Devan was a ghost, and this place had enough undead already without her bringing his memory to life. Eyes moved to the vampire in front of them. He did not leap towards them, and judging from the movement that was still in the corridor ahead of them, this creature was not the same one that had been luring them around this entire time.

Most of the vampire's words were eerie echoes of the thoughts going through her own mind- something his words served to both comfort and disturb her at the same time. How was that even possible? His madness was disconcerting, but it also meant he was distracted, she could easily kill him should the need arise. Although- were her bullets silver? Perhaps not, but if she filled him with enough of them, the agent could incapacitate him long enough to cut his head off. Vampires could die that way too.

Eyes darted around the room briefly, searching for anything made of wood- it seemed there were some broken chairs and pieces of furniture in the space. Perhaps, just perhaps, she could fashion a makeshift stake from one of them. And then the vampire spoke directly to her, interrupting the plotting going on in her mind. For some reason, Tehra felt the need to answer his question- perhaps he could be talked into behaving himself and she wouldn't have to fight him.

"You are one of them because they made you one of them." the agent said softly, gently "You can learn to control it, to live among humans and not hurt them should you desire to." As Tehra spoke, she was moving very slowly towards the generator- perhaps she could talk the vampire down while getting the lights turned on.

"Can you tell me your name? Or what happened here?" Again, her voice was calm- passionate emotions would raise her blood pressure, making her more appealing to the vampire if he was still hungry. Which she hoped he wasn't- the agent would much prefer to get information from him and not kill him.