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I'm a Buzy Bee!
LiviInLove is offline
Old 12-26-2017, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Your recent posts have been small, fancy cursive. I have been having to zoom in on my tablet to read them, but that hasn't been a problem for me.

This post is a bit larger, but still fancy cursive.
I like the cursive but I do appreciate it a bit larger.

Liv...I totally get the lack of sleep and bad dreams when sleep actually comes.
It sucks and can make one more sensitive to what might normally seem like a small issue.
I never used to dream...but I used to smoke a lot of pot!
Now I don't smoke pot because I felt that it was compounding my depression...and now I have some really vivid f'd-up dreams and wake up super panicked and can't go back to sleep.
If your lack of sleep and bad dreams continue, you might want to get a check up and make sure your health is as good as it should be...
I thought my panic attacks were just panic attacks, but recently found out that I had heart rhythm problems and some blockages that required a triple bypass surgery.
I'm not saying that everybody with bad dreams and anxiety has heart problems...I just think it can't hurt to rule out any medical conditions that could possibly cause these symptoms.
I hope that your bad dreams subside and you get some much needed restful sleep!
My bad dreams all deal with my twin’s death and me missing him a lot.
Nightmares about him being gone. And not being able to find him.
I’ve woken up sobbing more times than I’d like to admit.
I’ve dealt with these... for over a decade.
So it’s a mental health issue. I am seeing a therapist. I have been for years. But it has nothing to do with any medical issues. I know why I’m dealing with what I’m dealing with.... doesn’t mean I miss my sleep. Because I do. These dreams love to rear their ugly beads from time to time.

Plus I have 4 young children so that doesn’t help with sleep too. So it’s a combo of nightmares and my kids.

Hummy: those are sorta okay. Better than the tiny font for sure. And the darker is better.