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WindySummer is offline
Old 06-11-2016, 09:45 PM

Okay I don't know what your opinion is on the way the ending was presented but I personally really hated it! Nothing was resolved, character arcs were completely abandoned, and it almost seemed irrelevant from the rest of the comic? Like the animation was gorgeous but it really did not answer any questions, especially related to how/if Lord English was defeated.

I got into Homestuck stupidly late (like last October) and I was really expecting something like [S] Cascade, visually striking and perhaps a little too much to process initially, but really tying up all the arcs. But instead it was total eye candy but not much as far as content goes. I'm especially sad about Karkat's character arc becasue the last we heard about it, he thought he was useless, weak and not a good leader. And that's it. There was no resolution for that line of thought. The lack of ship confirmation made me pretty upset too, like it was left ambigious enough that people are going to walk out of the comic thinking Dave and Karkat were just really good friends.

The problem is that Hussie had the ending in mind since 2012 and comissioned it to be done around then if I'm not mistaken?? Anyways it was completed way before the comic was, and it really shows. A lot changed in the last 4 years, and maybe the ending would have been satisifying then, but it certainly isn't now. At least in my opinion. It's similar to How I Met Your Mother's ending in that way.

sorry for the long post I tend to rant about this topic a lot.