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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 11-08-2014, 08:37 PM

He paced in the other room, looking through the windows with frequency that clearly showed his nervousness, thoughts swirling through his mind. As much as Ryan had planned all of this out to greatest detail, there was sense of emptiness now. The future was unclear and rather threatening, although he tried to grasp at that little spark of thrill. He needed motivation to get through this, but that finding it had been his issue for years now. The man caught himself tracing the scar on his face one more and scoffed audibly. It was getting ridiculous.

Ryan guessed he has had given enough time for the girl to change and decided to check on her, but knocked softly on doors before entering. As there was no reply, he knocked another with a sense of dread sliding cool fingers over back of his neck and then opened doors. The sight of Sophie sleeping surprised him and with sigh of relief, he approached the couch as quietly as he could. The weight of guilt that he had not-so-successfully ignored crashed on albino's shoulders as he took in her weak, marred form.

Although he told himself most of these marks would fade away with time, he knew that not all would and the memories were probably imprinted firmly in the blonde's mind. Ryan recalled the hazel-eyed spitfire that had given him such a hard time little over a week before, certainly a beauty in her own right, just as much as annoying. And he was responsible, fully, for this beautiful young girl's suffering. Maybe if that damned zombie hadn't injured him, all of this could've been avoided, but... There was no use pondering about what ifs, though. Everything was as it was and he had done all in his powers to make it better. But had he?

Suppressing a groan at the frustrating thoughts, he turned to leave. Not the apartment, of course, as he wasn't going to risk that Sophie was captured again, but to take an old blanket from other room's bed. It was from one of those newer smooth, light materials and it had only few holes on it. Ryan could only wonder how scavengers hadn't grabbed it up, but it didn't really matter. He put the blanket over Sophie's sleeping form and retreated to chair by the window, sitting down in it quietly to keep vigil. He would until she woke up, or they were tracked down, and then he'd leave.

Sitting there, he realized she probably didn't even know his name and couldn't decide if it's better that way or he should be civil enough to introduce himself, since he knew her name. Not that they were in really good situation for introductions. Yes, remaining anonymous could have its benefits. No name to assign to his hated face. But knowing himself, Ryan guessed he will end up slipping it up in some jerk-like manner. It was self-defense mechanism that he had developed over many years.