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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 08-18-2010, 02:36 AM

The World of BITs
Ayame Tensai
Title: Shadow Queen
Eye Color: Gold
Hair Color: Normally hair is braided.
Age: 15-17
Outfit: This is a type of outfit Ayame would wear. Like the picture she would wear her hair down in this case. (more refs here)
This is another more causal type of outfit. Hair would be braided in this one.
Familiar's Power: Gravity
There is no way to describe Ayame other then different. To most people she comes across as a fairly normal person but Tier and Asher know she keeps people away from her with a ten feet pole. To simply put, Ayame has issues. Lots of issues. A genius at technology, Ayame picks things up insanely fast, comprehend the most complex of things, able to invent items at a drop of a hat and has a photographic memory. The technology she creates is far too advance for this world.


Name: Tier
Title: Shadow King
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Hair Style
Age: 15-17
Outfit: Business Wear |
Familiar: - Phoenix
Familiar's Power: Paper
Tier is a very stoic person and a person of a few words. Despite his young age, he has a sharp understanding of the world. He isn't a pessimist but rather plays a Devil's Advocate. He knows things will go wrong, and while Ayame calculates the odds and goes with most favorable outcome, Tier on the other hands just plans for everything. While Tier isn't at the same level as Ayame, he is a genius in his own field: business. The world doesn't know it yet, but he controls over half of the world's economy through sister companies, the main company, and other various spin offs.


Name: Asher
Title: Shadow Prince
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Age: 15-17
Outfit: Here an outfit Asher might wear. | Outfit 2 | Winter Outfit
Familiar: Zephyr - White Eastern Dragon
Familiar's Power: Wind/Sound
Of the three of them Asher is the most normal. Asher is capable of making friends with almost anyone he meets. A social butterfly, Asher has a very positive outlook on life. Ayame calls him "Pup" because Asher is literally like a cute little puppy that follows you around and you don't have the heart to send it away. He's just there all the time and you either open up to him or die trying not to. Asher is not a genius like Ayame or Tier but he is however a top A student in school. His real talent is music, already a world famous musician.

Their Story

To vaguely put it, the three of them are friends. However it is slightly more complicated then that. For Ayame and Tier, they have known each other since they were babies. When Ayame's parents died (and Tier's had gone long before that), he ended becoming her actual guardian despite being the same age as her. Tier serves as Ayame's stability to reality, for her greatest fear is that she will literally lose it one day. Asher thinks they're more then just friends, Ayame knows she isn't ready for that, not until she works out alot of her issues and Tier simply waits.

A few years later, Asher's father died and for reasons unknown to them, Tier was given guardianship of Asher as well. It was best put by Ayame who called the three of them "A smart ragtag bunch of misfit orphans". By the time they were 15, the three of them were off saving the world.

Asher serves as the social connection for Ayame and Tier as well. If he didn't, Ayame would choose to never interact with people and Tier would probably work himself to death.

"Why are we here on a Friday night to eat dinner and see a movie?"
"... Point taken. I assume this also why tomorrow night is video game night?"

The world properly calls the three of the Shadow Royal Court. This is because if they wanted to, they could rule the entire world with their influences. (God bless the soul of whoever pisses them off). Asher will crush you socially (the connections he make spread wide and far), Tier will crush you financially, then proceed to ruin your entire life (he may or may not spare the anyone else related), and Ayame will and can crush you physically in the most painful way possible to die while she's 10,000 miles away from you with a perfect alibi. (Even if she did get caught, she has a get out of jail card in every country).

Last edited by Seito; 10-04-2012 at 09:06 PM..