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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 06-04-2015, 01:53 PM

"True, true," Cain said with a faint smile playing on his lips. "Man, and woman, are capable of making both fools and heroes of themselves when it comes to something as fleeting yet precious as love." Hands folding neatly below his chin, he watched as Marwo picked out their next victim to mock. Sadly, it was one she knew well, too well, and it caused "Pinkie" to grimace inwardly. Honestly, it should have been expected though. A gem as jaded as she surely had suitors and spent evenings destroying hopes and wonders.

"Heh," he tried to play it off as if it were nothing. Truly, it was nothing but the idea still bothered him to some extent, though it didn't show. "So that's his story. Never could reckon why the poor mate had a stick up his ass. Should have guessed his father rammed it up their with money and lies." Draping his fingers across the bridge of his nose, he tried to sound pretentious, as if he too came from money and wealth.

"Well, d'alling, I've money to boot so please, please take this as an offering for a luscious, gracious A."

No longer sounding like he was a pompous, rich Brit, he laughed. "It's sad though, how money can corrupt and buy nearly everything." Patting the stuffed creature at his side, he turned his attention to another who walked into the room.

"Oi, I wonder what's got him peeved to the point of stealing a bab-ey." He need not wait any longer, for soon the girls were flipping the TV station to the school news challenge. "Our news? How dull," he slouched but soon grew interested when the Student Council President's face came into focus on the screen.

"Now she," he gestured toward the TV, "has a story to tell. I can't help but wonder what skeletons she has hidden in her closet."