Thread: Hidden Magic
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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 07-26-2017, 09:25 PM

Name: Mordecai (He's been called Morty before and he absolutely hates it)
Race: Incubus
Age: Just turned 18

Appearance: 5’7 tall, he has a slender, toned body with defined angles around his hips and shoulders, but a lithe grace in the way he moves. Eyes are red and his skin pale. His black hair reaches his chin with a couple longer strands of purple that come down to sit in front of his shoulders. He’s often wearing scant clothing in order to look sexier even though his body still resembles that of a teenager. His boots have a slight heel and he can grow wings, but does not always have them. The wings would be bat like and appear to sit a little lower than the usual shoulder-attached wing look. They have purple tips to match his hair. His horns curl inward and are silver in color. The tip of his tail would match this silver color.
Personality: He's a tease and devilish little demon. He likes to play around and is lazy. The sort who would rather prank someone that do anything productive. His immaturity and, at times, incompetence, makes him more of a nuisance than a devil. He’s not truly ‘evil,’ just not angelic. Could be hot-headed if told all this though.
Bio: At age 18, demons start taking jobs in the outside world. Like most, he was raised in hell with a real harem of sisters and older brothers. He’s been dying for a chance to fool around on earth for the first time.


"I'm so freakin' bored!" Mordecai huffed, yelling the words out to no one in particular. He turned eighteen more than a month ago and readied himself to work with the souls of the damned, but this entire world seemed against him. His older brothers got summons within a week, their father's blood running strong in their veins. And really, was there ever a lack of interest in sex type demons? Humans needed this kind of stuff. Dragging a long nail through the dark bone-wood of his desk, he carved a nonsensical pattern--a circle with various runes inside of it. Of course his brothers made fun of him too so he wanted nothing more than to get out of this hell hole, pun completely intended. He snickered for a half second and focused back on his carving, not that it would do him any good. A human needed to call him if he wanted to go to the human realm. Hell be damned. He was going to die of having nothing to do!

Just as he thought that, a spark went off inside of him. Mordecai felt the call immediately, even before the world went fuzzy around him, his body already pulling away from this realm he lived in. Freeing his mind, he let go of this space and rushed straight to the call. A master! His first, most wonderful master. Not worried in the slightest, he flew straight into the portal that the human created and materialized in the human realm.

Floating three feet off the ground, his dark wings spread out behind him, Mordecai slowly opened his eyes, revealing their crimson color. He needed to make a good impression, so, smirk in place, he looked around the scene. The world that came into focus in front of him looked...shitty. He appeared to be in some kind of alley and the purple tips of his wings almost touched the buildings on each side of him. He expected a private area and one person waiting for him, but instead he was greeted by multiple angry faces which he looked over until he found the right one. The magic of the summon circle still left a violet glow around him and Mordecai knew in an instant.

Bowing over one arm like his father taught him, Mordecai tried hard to force back a wild grin of glee. He finally got summoned! "Master, I have answered your call. What would you have me do?"