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Kiyoto is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 06:21 PM

Nine blinked a bit, looking up at the hand on his head when it came. His attention turned back to the other as he felt the shift in his thoughts. He took the plate slowly as it was offered to him, but his stomach was still in knots at the moment. He moved slowly to the other’s side as he patted the ground. This guy was acting like he was a child, though he honestly did not know how old the other was at the moment to say much on that. He glanced over at Cion taking care of the woman, before looking down at the plate before him. Questions? He had a lot of them, but no idea where to begin at all. Taking a breath, he slowly looked up at the other. “Who…are you?” Cion had stated all of them, but really he had not been paying much attention. Introductions were needed. He couldn’t just call this guy ‘hey you’ forever.

He felt foolish asking, but that was an ice breaker right? His mind moved a moment later to himself…what if the other asked his name in return? He had no idea who he was, let alone a name. What would he tell him? Nine…that was what Cion had said, but that was a number, not a name. He needed one, but he could not remember what his real one was…the one from before. His mind faltered slightly. Before? He felt like an echo of who he was supposed to be now, a husk of what should have been…or was. Something slightly clicked within his mind…Echo….he knew a name for that…that meant that, from somewhere. It was very familiar….H? He tried to focus…Hi….Hib…Hibiki? That was it…

It was a Japanese name right? He had been there… least that was what it felt like. It was a little odd to think that, but he had a feeling he had been there. The name felt nice, then again, to someone who couldn’t remember their own, it was not much of a stretch. He made a decision, until he learned what his own name was, he would take on the name of Hibiki. He at least had one answer…though everything else, was still a blur.