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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-19-2013, 05:45 AM

Aliye and Twidlerie stood from their seats with a flash as they gasped in unison, "Dawn!"

In moments, the guards were in position, ready to attack and protect the Lady Dawn given Hathion's command.

Dawn pulled at the arm choking her neck as she struggled to whisper, "Please... ungh.. Don't.. do this.."

Hathion paled slightly as he clasped his hands together at the base of his back. This was his Kingdom at present, and he was it's King. It was not up to their High Majesties to handle the situation; it fell on the shoulders of Hathion, and Hathion alone. Motioning for the guards to hold their positions for the time being, Hathion prepared himself to speak with the clearing of his throat.

"My Lord Propar, your hostility and impulsiveness has gotten you into quite a bit of trouble already. This is the second threat on the Lady Dawn's life. Have you not sense enough to understand the situation at hand? Have you not heard the suitors asking as to where your eldest daughter was? Do you have such a small opinion of her as to think her weak, and not marriage material? Lord Porpar, you have been very mistaken about your daughter," Hathion continued as he slowly approached Lord Propar, "Your daughter has a strong heart and is strong willed. No one belittles her or pities her for her health as you have just done. No one standing in this Kingdom at this very moment has ever thought less of your daughter, nor ever shall, despite the scorn you have just thrust upon her. How do you think her life will be now, once your lands are taken from you, you are stripped of your title, and you are cast into an oubliette for the next one hundred years, or perhaps even two hundred years. Do you think she will be more sought after, or less?"

"No, Lord Propar, you have only thought of yourself, your own vanity, and your own misfortune at the loss of gaining a King for a son-in-law. Thankfully, your daughters are not as pompous as you are, and do not care as much about obtaining the highest title they can for lowly reasons such as yourself. And luckily, your daughters will bounce back from this. But you, Lord Propar, you never shall. This will haunt you to your grave; not only what you have done to this family, but for what you have done to your daughters and the fate they are now to have due to your treachery. Now, let go of the Lady Dawn. Continuing this will only add to your sentence," Hathion finished as he held out his hand for Dawn, having stopped walking no more than a few feet away from where she and Lord Propar were standing.

As Hathion spoke, Dawn could feel the pressure on her neck tighten, the grip worsening the more Hathion spoke and the more he upset Lord Propar. Beginning to feel faint, Dawn tugged at arm that held her neck. She was a factory girl, growing up in the poorest part of town, struggling to work from a young age. She was stronger than this, wasn't she? Was this truly how her life would end? In a room filled with her loved ones, strangled by an obvious mad-man from another realm? No.. Not this.. Not now, not this way. Dawn refused to believe that everything she had fought for was for nothing, that she would lose Jareth forever because of a Fae lunatic. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. She and Jareth were supposed to survive this wondrous Ball, marry, and have little ones running around their feet and tugging at their hems. Who was this Fae to decide that he should be the one to take this life away from her? Hadn't the Labyrinth already tried this attempt and failed? What made him believe that he could succeed at what the Labyrinth could not?

The more these thoughts raced through Dawn's head, the angrier she got. No. It wouldn't end like this. She wouldn't give everything up, not when she just finally got it all back. Despite the flow of blood to her brain slowing, and her body feeling weak, Dawn mustered up all of her courage and strength and elbowed Lord Propar in the stomach before stomping on his right foot with her burgundy healed satin slippers.

'Maybe, just maybe.. it will be enough,' Dawn thought before fainting, not knowing whether she was free of the man's grasp, or if she has simply passed out from the strangling. Still, she had made her last attempt to get free, and that alone said volumes.

Last edited by Emma Corrin; 06-19-2013 at 06:34 PM..