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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 07:52 PM

Cold, serpentine eyes watched the two women from within one of the beautiful structures, their golden color seeming to glow in the hazy sunlight. The man who they belonged to stood eerily still next to one of the silk screens, seeming normal enough, though if one watched closely, they would find he was nearly translucent, his skin and clothing holding nearly no color, save for the blood-red sash about his waist. Unobtrusive, he waited and watched like he always had, his silent vigil seemingly undisturbed by the arrival of the strange visitors.

However, winding through the delicate flowers a white, snake-like creature carefully sought a closer look, it's bright eyes mirroring the ones belonging to the warrior spirit. As it moved, it's body looked as though it were just a scrap of silk blowing in the breeze, thought a closer examination would show it was moving against the gentle breeze that flowed through the garden. Staying low to the ground, to carefully followed the two.