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Parchment, Ink, and Tea
ClockworkLupine is offline
Old 12-14-2013, 05:23 AM

"Lakota, that's a nice name." Mary smiled and took a miniature meat pie of the platter. Taking a bite, she chewed thoughtfully before answering. She had so many questions, it was hard to narrow them down into bits manageable for others. Looking over him again a few immediately took precedence. "I do have a few questions to start us off. You can ask me some afterwards if you'd like. That way you know what you could be getting yourself into."

He seemed to be a young man and wasn't too bad looking. That meant he had to have some kind of entanglement of the physical kind, more than likely. Last thing she wanted was to be woken up in the middle of the night by someone's monkey business and hollering. One after another the questions started building up again. Might as well voice them. "Let's go with the basics. Where do you work, how old are you, do you smoke or drink, and do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?"

These seemed like reasonable questions to begin with. The rest of her list would have to wait. Mary wasn't particularly good at waiting but in this case sating her curiosity gave a juicy incentive. She finished the meat pie while she listened and poured herself some tea. Lakota had her undivided attention.