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Spooky Action at a Distance
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Old 12-31-2017, 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Inzanebraned View Post
Ava The Vampire:
Tell us how the movies was...without any spoilers, of course.
Sure, Inzane! :D
Well, the elephant in the room is that there was AMAZING, AHHHMAZING music in it, the singers they chose were 100% excellent at their roles and it was incredibly moving.
I feel like even young children would like it, especially the music, although there are some things that they may not understand due to the fact of the time being different. Such as, there is kind of a "forbidden romance" aspect between a black and white character. I feel like most of today's children wouldn't understand that. Although, nothing really sexual happens, so I think it's a safe movie for kids. I also feel like a lot of kids may not understand the lead character's ambition to become "rich and wealthy" because he was raised poor. I think any child would want to be rich if they are poor, but then, I don't usually see very many poor children going to see movies... So I would assume that most children may not understand that.

There is a scene in the movie that might be a little disturbing and or frightening to some really small children because the characters are in danger, but it's very brief.

Overall, I thought the movie was beautiful. Both times I went, the whole audience clapped at the end of it, and that tells me that they liked it too. It was an EXCELLENT way to end the year! :) I hope that all my friends go and see it, because it was absolutely beautiful and a wonderful experience. They cast some newcomers who really stole the show!

I mean, if you get the chance to see it in the theatre, it's a beautiful movie and it really shines on the big screen. :D

---------- Post added 12-31-2017 at 12:08 PM ----------

Originally Posted by LiviInLove View Post
Hey there Ava! I don't think you've posted in here yet - it's been pretty quiet, then again - I did arrive late to the party, as usual, and I've not been on much. So there's that too. (Most people seem to want prizes so only post in the threads that give prizes. So I'm not surprised my thread is slow. I just can't handle the fast pace of the larger threads, so that's why I make my own. I get lost easily. Especially with not being able to get on as often as I'd like to be able to.

Oh wow! Sounds like you've got a busy month of January! Will you be bringing any of your furniture with you when you move?
If you leave before the 30th of January, where will you live until you can move into your new apartment?

I want to see that movie so bad! I just have been lacking the energy to find time to go and see it. We'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD - going to the theaters is so expensive these days! There are so many movies I want to see. And not enough time, or money. I hope that you all enjoy the movie!
That is understandable. :)
I was surprised that my thread got some attention this year. Usually every year, when I make the Kwanzaa thread, it only gets maybe two or three pages of responses. (But then, I usually forget about it after a while so updates on that thread are slow... ) I think more people are coming out of the woodwork for this event.

Yes!! Oh my gosh, we are definitely bringing minimal furniture with us. We would prefer to sell it all and buy all new stuff when we move, but my dad is very sentimental and likes to hold on to junk just because it's his or because he paid for it. :s So we'll be bringing some furniture with us. xD It's going to be incredibly busy because we basically have to pack the rest of our things and double check to make sure everything is packed, then we're going to hire movers because my mom's injury is still not healed completely, so she can't help us move. :( Then we have to figure out where we will stay for the next couple of weeks while we are in LA while our apartment is being prepared. We'll likely stay in a hotel (because that's what my mom wants to do) but at the same time, we're not sure if we can really afford to stay in a hotel for that long. We may end up staying with family in either San Diego or Las Vegas while we wait.

I didn't mean to ramble on about the movie... haha. I just thought it was amazing. :)