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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 12-11-2023, 08:26 PM

Monday, December 11, 2023

Wow, I can't believe I haven't posted in here since June! I won't try to recap everything but here are a few things:
  • I'm doing my best to settle into my new home in Oklahoma. I miss Florida a lot though. Oklahoma was VERY hot this summer, hotter than Florida which I didn't know was possible. There are also lots of spiders here which is not cool. I do like learning more about the native american culture here though and enjoy the vibe of the city.
  • I've been doing my best to try to get out and meet new people to make some local friends. I've had varying levels of success so far so I guess it's a work in progress. I was super excited to find out that there's a French Alliance here though so it's fun to be able to use my French again!
  • I had a promotion at work, I'm now Marketing Manager instead of Marketing Specialist. I'm going to start interviews soon for my new coordinator! I'm nervous but excited.
  • Still working on the migraine stuff but I've seen some relief with nerve block treatment. It's VERY painful to get the injections and I feel like crap the day I have it but it has helped my neck pain and lessened the number and severity of my migraines.
  • I have a new pet lizard, Mochi! She's so cute but I'm pretty sure she hates me, haha!
I guess those are the highlights. I'll see if I can keep this up more but no promises!

Today was an ok day. I had a hard time getting up this morning (a common theme lately) but I was up and ready in time for work so that was good. I had a productive morning (there's so much to do lately) but got sidetracked in the afternoon with stuff here on Mene. I'll work a bit later tonight to make up for it. After work I'm hoping to catch up on some holiday stuff I still have hanging like sending out the holiday cards I made and wrapping the presents I'm going to take home to my family.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-11-2023 at 10:52 PM..