Thread: Don't Hang Up
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-20-2020, 01:31 AM

Harlan was smiling down at his phone, not even mad at the abrupt end of his conversation with Axel. In fact his heart felt full to bursting! His friend, his friend! Oh wow, it was so fun to think that, and to think of Axel maybe finding someone he could be himself with. It was such an amazing feeling, one which Harlan carried with him home from the hotel and threw into a song.. Well the lyrics anyway. He started working on writing the instrumentals of a song based on his feelings for Jayde, and wondered if he would ever get to play either of them for the people they were about.


Fane leaned back into his chair and was surprised at how quickly he received an answer. That had been ... unexpected. Tomorrow then, in the same place where everyone was when I first made my proposal to become manager. All of that felt like it had happened such a long time ago, and yet it had been little more than a week! So much had happened and Fane could hardly believe it. At least meeting with the whole bound would help him keep a level head when facing Axel again for the first time after they had danced together that night...