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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-14-2014, 01:17 PM

[“and what will her dog do now that the master has fled? Who is it that she cares for other than herself?”] “You sure do ask a lot of questions prince” he said it in a half light hearted way but there was a twinge of warning in his voice, trying to tell the prince not to question him much further than that, “I will however in this case grace you with answers. I will wait on her until she returns for me or until she is destroyed and my keeper changes.” He wasn’t forbidden from speaking about himself, so that much he could tell the vampire prince in front of him. The next answer he gave without a thought. It was the one he was ordered to give should he ever be questioned down this line of questioning. “When I said she loved one person and one alone, I merely meant herself and nothing more. She does not have a heart to care about anyone else.”

[“I did not plan on fighting you just finding out who you were, why you were fallowing us and what to do with you.”] Cerberus shook his giant head and once more laughed, “More questions from you, prince. My patience for questions is running quickly thinner prince” he growled a little bit, “Lucky for me you are not my prince, and I don’t have to listen to you. Still” he brow furrowed a little bit, “I will answer you one more time. My name is Cerberus, though I am not from this land. My current keeper brought me here. As to why you were being tailed, the answer is simple, to know what you were up to and keep tally on your whereabouts.”

When Vincent asked what was wrong Blaire knew she could not lie. She shifted her glance up at him for a moment but quickly went back to staring at a spot off in the distance, {I have seen an image of this man before tonight Vincent…..I think he is the one, the one that killed Lewis and yet….} she closed her eyes not wanting to say what was running through her mind, it was shear madness. He had killed a man, a man that meant so much to Vincent and yet she didn’t want to be his enemy, {I don’t think he’s a bad man, I don’t. I just don’t know what to think}