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Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 07-31-2018, 11:07 AM

July 31, 2018,

Yesterday I wasn't feeling 100%. I've been pretty sure I'm lactose intolerant for a while. Small amounts of milk have been okay but anything greater than like 1 cup of milk or 2 scoops of icecream kills my stomach. I hate nut milks...I think they are gross. And Soy milk is okay but I've heard so many bad things about it. So I just continue to drink regular milk in moderation.

But I'm pretty sure my reaction is getting worse. WHen we were in Iceland, we went to this farm that made their own icecream using the dairy from their cows. Of course, I couldn't make up my mind what flavor to try so I got 2 scoops on a cone. and then the guy said, "For 1 dollar more you can add soft serve in the cone itself!" so of COURSE I had to do that...2 ice cream flavors and 1 soft serve flavor? How many times could I do that with the freshest icecream I've ever had? Literally...the cows watched us as we ate! The next day I had such bad food poisoning I threw up twice next to a waterfall and then was stuck in bed at the airbnb the rest of the day with a fever. I had terrible stomach cramps after that for days.

A couple weeks ago, I made a Green Tea Latte. I do this every month of so as a nice treat and it's so much less expensive than going to Starbucks. I usually do a cup of milk and this time there was about a 1/4 cup of milk left in the jug after I took my I just added it in because I hate when you leave a trace amount in the jug for the next person. That evening and the next day I had terrible stomach cramps...something fierce. It was terrible. Lesson learned - leave the extra milk.

Except two days ago when Hubby and I were putting out rocks...I ate scoop of icecream afterwards. I can usually do a couple scoops at home with no problem. BUt this one scoop...this ONE scoop...again stomach cramps all day yesterday. A slightly elevated fever. NOT FUN.



I didn't even like milk until I turned 22. I think my body knew I just couldn't have it. But my heart wants to drink it. Damn.