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I move the stars for no one.

Queen_Andais is offline
Old 07-29-2017, 03:48 AM

Games to be played for Seventh Star:

Dice - Everyday everyone playing gets a chance to roll two dice! Two!
1. First dice will be 5 sided and this gives you automatic points (Ranging from 100-200, depending on the number you land on)
2. Second dice will be 10 sided and this gives you additional chances for points. Depending on the number rolled, you can receive an additional 1-3 rolls of the point dice.
3. When you've rolled your 10 sided dice and you get your number (1-10) you then get to roll the following additional dice:
1-4 = 1 additional roll
5-9 = 2 additional rolls
10 = 3 additional rolls
4. The 7th day of the event will be special for the dice, you have to have rolled dice for at least 3 of the previous days. Point values will be significantly higher and the second dice DO NOT apply for this day. One roll only.

Dice Forms: (Don't forget to ping me)
Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 6 [dice]5[/ dice]
For Luck! Day 6 [dice]10[/ dice]
Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 7 [dice]5[/ dice]

(Otherwise known as Hot or Cold)

I will post a number of 1 to ??????. Everyone will have a chance to make their first guess.
1. Once you have guessed, please wait for my response before posting your next guess.
2. There are levels to the Hot and Cold: They are as follows:
A. Pluto: Any number guessed that is 1000 or more outside of the actual number
(i.e. 1456 was guessed, however, the number is really 324, the response I would give is 856: Arctic)
B. Neptune: Any number guessed that is 900 or more, but not 999 outside of the actual number
C. Uranus: Any number guessed that is 800 or more, but not 899 outside of the actual number
D. Saturn: Any number guessed that is 700 or more, but not 799 outside of the actual number
E. Jupiter: Any number guessed that is 600 or more, but not 699 outside of the actual number.
F. Mars: Any number guessed that is 500 or more, but not 599 outside of the actual number.
G. Earth: Any number guessed that is 400 or more, but not 499 outside of the actual number.
H. Venus: Any number guessed that is 300 or more, but not 399 outside of the actual number.
I. Mercury: Any number guessed that is 150 or more, but not 299 outside of the actual number.
J. Sun: Any number guessed that is 50 or more, but not 149 outside of the actual number.
K. On the Sun: Any number guessed that is 1 or more, but not 49 outside of the actual number.
3. While you are guessing, so are others. It's not against the rules to watch and see the response your fellow participants are getting to help you figure out the number.

Numbers that are 3 digits: Winner Receives 50 points
Numbers that are 4 digits: Winner Receives 100 points
Numbers that are 5 digits: Winner Receives 150 points

Last edited by Queen_Andais; 08-24-2017 at 01:34 PM..