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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 05-16-2014, 05:54 PM


We're cutting the ribbons and letting our community vote on the following roles:
  • []Anthro Hunter []Seer/Priest

Upon receiving enough votes to announce a winner, we will toss up the selected reserve. From there, that person will receive permission to work on their profile. Xavi will provide the winner the coding so that he/she can work on it. Xavi will also work alongside you in profile creation. If you have any questions about anything, she will be your guide. Do not hesitate to reach out to her for input, thoughts, or even ideas.

We want to let you all know that you're winners in our boat for showing interest in this story. If you don't win the role, you are still able to get another role. If you didn't apply for at least three roles, you are welcome to create new characters for the other roles that are still open.

If, for some odd reason, you are not pleased with your results, please PM Duke and Xavi. We're both willing to work with you if you're having issues.

Now, without further ado, please submit your votes to ISOS Duke: with the title Prophecy Votes. Votes without this title will be discarded so please use the proper title.

Good luck and happy voting!