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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 12-30-2012, 02:02 AM


The cool night air was setting all over the countryside. Tintin followed the road to the best of his ability using the residual light from distant residents and occasional moonlight that peeked through the dark cloudy skies. He had been walking for well over a couple of hours so his legs and arms were wracked with fatigue. He just wished he could be back at the house, warm in bed with the covers wrapped around him or his captain holding him gently. Tintin avoided being seen by passing vehicles just in case some old enemy happened to be driving by. He realized he had a knack for running into danger even when he wasn’t looking for it, which made him successful as a reporter.

His mind was so full of thoughts that it made him forget the searing painful fatigue his limbs felt while walking on the side of the road. The red sweater was made of wool which protected his chest from the cool air. All of these thoughts were of little consequence as he kept replaying the events of the evening that took place at Benton’s house. How did Lucille just pick up so much about him so quickly? Was he that much of an open book? Lucille and he had spoken no more than thirty minutes during their last visit. Did Enzo or Alyssa say something to her? Even then he knew for them it would have been mere speculation.

He was so saddened by the prospect of not knowing anymore about his roots. He wanted so much to be part of his niece's and nephew’s life. He wanted to enjoy the friendship of a sister-in-law, and more importantly, it made him sick to think that a meeting with his long lost brother would turn out to be nothing more than meeting some judgmental drunken swindler. How his expectations were let down made him so sad, but he couldn't accept what happened, it just couldn't end like this.

“How stupid I was to think this could have been so much more…” Tintin muttered as he continued walking.

“If only I had listened to the captain…” he thought suddenly realizing all the irritation he felt towards Haddock disappearing. Maybe all of this was pay back for going off without a care he thought. He knew Haddock didn’t like it when he would just decide to go off without telling him anything about what he was doing, where he was going, or without checking in to let Haddock know he was alive and fine.

Off in the distance Tintin heard a car speeding down the road his way. He saw it was swerving back and forth. Tintin moved into the field to avoid possibly being seen or hit. Once it got closer it hit a bump in the road and spun out of control. Tintin ran further out into the field afraid that it may come barreling at him but it ended up spinning onto the opposite side. Before the car came to a stop it tipped over on its right tires for a moment then fell over on its side. A slew of curse words began flying out the window.

“Great snakes! I hope they're ok! Maybe I’d better go help them!” Tintin said to his self as he ran towards the car lying on its side. The engine was smoking and the tires that were off the ground were still spinning.

Last edited by Kole_Locke; 01-04-2013 at 06:27 PM..