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Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 09:51 PM

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You nudge open the heavy wooden door and enter a room filled with towering stacks of books. They cover nearly half the room, leaning at odd angles that make you a bit nervous. You do hope they don't collapse onto not make any sudden movements here. The walls are covered with a chaotic mixture of maps, many of them foreign to you, and newspaper clippings detailing trips to new and exotic lands. A few articles detailing casino openings around the world seem to be tacked up here and there for good measure.

As you make your way inside, a woman with hair like a flame spots you and her face lights up as she bounds over, knocking a few books and scattering a pile of casino chips in the process. Her undisguised excitement is infectious.

"What? You're lost you say? Well there isn't a better place to be lost, my friend, especially with those winnings of yours. No, no, I'm not eyeing them, I'm merely stating a fact. This casino is rather large and you've wandered into a very special place you see, a place of discovery, and its only fitting that you should discover its secrets for yourself. Of course, little comes without a price these days, but I'm sure you can pay it. Now, let me see...

She turns abruptly and disappears behind a several towering stack of books that sway as she slips pas them.

"I know just the thing! Now people are always coming in here telling me that they've won something, but I'm not really interesting in their winnings. No, I've collected plenty of things of my own over the years....What I'm interested in are stories."

A flash of orange is seen briefly between two stacks of books.

"Ah here it is! I have a collection of stories, tales of new and interesting lands and artifacts, fascinating stuff!" She pauses a moment and you see her reemerge from between the stacks. "I've also got a number of artifacts. new things, old things, you name it, and I'd do anything for a good story. So, you see, I want story and, given that you've come to a casino, you must be in the market for prizes." She grins at you. "I think you can see where this is going, my tell tell me a story, write it down here, let me add it to my collection, and I give you a little something for your efforts."

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Last edited by Seridano; 06-24-2011 at 07:18 PM..