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Old 06-05-2017, 02:54 PM

Friday, May 26, 2017

Today I watched Beauty and the Beast on VHS. It was so funny to see the old graphics and really interesting to compare it to the new version that I saw. I think I prefer the new version to be honest since it has a lot more depth to it. After that I played Barbies with my little sister for a while until my other sister came to pick me up. We had pizza for dinner at a new place in Portville called Fire and Ice which was pretty yummy and ice cream for dessert which was delicious. Afterwards we went shopping at Old Navy and Walmart and then headed back to her place to take a look at my mom’s computer which died. After that I rummaged through some clothes that her girlfriend was looking to get rid of and got a few fun hand me downs. Then we watched Rogue One before heading to bed. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with it but I quite liked it. I feel like I’ll have to watch it again though because I missed some of the dialogue in key places. ^^;

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I really like my drinks to be ice cold—ice cold water, milk, lemonade, etc. I hate when drinks the should be cold are lukewarm. >.<

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Today I went to visit Cora! It was really fun getting to meet up with her again. We walked around the mall shopping and I managed to find a pair of sneakers, a new suitcase, and a few other things I didn’t really need, lol! The ridiculous thing was that I put my prescription sunglasses on before leaving to meet her and then completely forgot to take my regular glasses with me so I had to walk around with my sunglasses on all day which was pretty weird, lol. My mom got a new laptop that was on sale since her computer died and once we got home I spent the rest of the evening trying to set it up but pretty much failing since the internet was crazy slow and I couldn’t get anything to download on it. >.<

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Honestly I haven’t really gotten any bug bites yet this year. I am having a bit of a battle with flies/fruit flies in my apartment though. It seems like even if I take the trash out every day I just can’t get rid of them. >.<

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Today I headed to church for what will likely be my last sermon in that building. Our members have been dwindling and so has funding so it will likely be closed down before I can return again which is really sad. After church we went out to lunch with my grandparents and then headed home so I could continue working on my mom’s computer. What a nightmare… I finally got it to work though so my mom was really happy. I also watched Pocahontas while I was working. That movie has always been one of my favorites. Now I totally have all of the songs stuck in my head, lol! I also got to watch a ton of M.A.S.H. since there’s a marathon running this weekend. That made me really happy since that’s one of my favorite shows and I’ve been really missing it since it was removed from Netflix.

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T is for turquoise, my favorite color!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Today was Memorial Day. We went up to the cemetery for the ceremony. I always really enjoy listening to the taps. Then we followed the parade down to the town square for another ceremony. Afterwards we headed back to the cemetery to put flowers on a few of the graves and headed home for a cookout. The little bunny came around again and I fed him so more carrots and he let me pet him. My little sister named him/her Bonnet. This little cat also came around. She was super friendly and really enjoyed being pet. She even followed my mom and I went up to the pet cemetery on the hill behind the house to put flowers on those graves. It feels nice having our little animal visitors, almost as if they have a bit of the spirit of my rabbit and cat who passed away. The rest of the evening went by pretty quickly because I had to finish packing and my little sister had school the next day so we went to bed early.

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I’m probably not the most patriotic person but there’s definitely a sense of pride that I feel on Memorial Day thinking about the amazing people who made so many sacrifices for our country. Listening to the taps is always a very poignant moment for me.