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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-06-2017, 03:11 PM

Monday, April 3, 2017

Another tired Monday morning. It’s going to take me a while to catch up on all the sleep I missed this weekend. Getting to bed on time is going to be my number one priority this week for sure. The eye mask I ordered online came today and I was super disappointed to find that it wasn’t at all like the picture they had online. I emailed them about it and thankfully they agreed to give me a refund so there is that but I was sad because I really did want the product. Oh well… After work I went home and ran around trying to get some stuff done so I could play SWTOR but ended up having a fight with my friend and the evening didn’t end up going so well. -_-

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I’m a really organized person normally so I don’t really have any new organizational ideas for my apartment at the moment. I did get a cool new soap dish though that has this spongey texture to keep my sink clean. Does that count? XP

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

This morning I woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep thinking about the weight I have gained lately and how I really need to go on a diet. I got up and tried to do some crunches but my neck was hurting really bad and I only managed to do 10. I set up my diet app again to start counting my calories and my plant nanny app to count how much water I’m drinking. The rest of the day was pretty awful. I ended up having a migraine pretty much all day long and was just praying for the work day to be over so I could go home and lay down. I did have some fun packages delivered with some clothes and shoes I ordered but I didn’t actually end up liking most of the things and will end up returning them. When I finally got home I lay down in the dark to try to get the pain to go away and ended up falling asleep until about 9:00pm. I was really trying not to fall asleep because I was afraid it would mess up my sleep schedule. Oops… I got up and made a ham and cheese omelet for dinner and went back to bed. I’m pretty proud of myself that I was able to stick to my calorie count today and didn’t really even feel that hungry or crave anything.

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M is for migraine from which I suffered all day.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Today was not a good day. My head was feeling a bit better thankfully but I found out that my boyfriend’s dog died which was sad. I was supposed to play SWTOR with a friend after work which I had been looking forward to but I ended up cancelling so I could be there for my boyfriend. Unfortunately that turned into quite the argument with my friend which left me feeling pretty hurt and depressed for the rest of the day. The ring candles I ordered for my coworker’s birthday and Mother’s Day arrived today but unfortunately one of them was broken. I’m really just not having much luck with packages this week! At least they agreed to replace the broken one and that’s actually kind of nice anyway because I was able to tape up the broken glass and I’ll be able to use this one as a gift for myself, lol! I can’t wait to see what ring I get inside. After work I headed to my BF’s place and we watched a couple episodes of this new Netflix show called “13 Reasons Why” which I’m surprisingly getting very into and I tried Bokkeumbap for the first time which was pretty delicious. When I got home I ended up breaking out my journal which I haven’t written in since January and tried to do some writing to sort out my thoughts on what went down with my friend. I think it kind of helped at least to vent a bit even if I ended up getting to bed late because of it. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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Ah! My favorite cup! You’ve actually seen this one already since it’s the kitty cup I posted a picture of a while back!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Today did not start out well at all. I did not sleep well and woke up feeling pretty tired. I finally got up and got ready and then after I got out of the shower I thought I heart someone knocking on the door. I went to check but there was no one there. A minute later there was another knock and I realized it was on my window. I peeked out and there was a guy out there motioning for me to let him in and I was like WTF no! The neighbors sometimes feel like I should be their doorman and I flipping refuse. Especially after they slammed the door twice last night, at 11:30 and 12:30 and rang the flipping doorbell. How rude can you be? I mean isn’t that what cell phones are for these days? Anyway, I digress. So the neighbors let the person in who turned out to be the superintendent of my building who wanted to get into my apartment to access the water shutoff valve. Ughhh. I was in my towel and everything but I let him in so he could do his thing. Except every time I went back into the bathroom to get changed he would call back and need my help for something. Like seriously, WTF? He came without a screwdriver? And he doesn’t know hot from cold on the faucet? And he lost his key copy? I was ready to blow a gasket because the whole thing was making me late for work. Finally he finished and left but I’m still pissed about the whole thing. Now when I get home tonight I’ll have to clean the kitchen because he was walking all over the counter in his dirty shoes. :< In other news it’s raining yet again today. I mean I know spring means rain but this is getting ridiculous. At least I wore my rain boots today.

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What’s new? Well I guess you could say all the stuff I ordered lately. I ended up getting a new pair of Toms since mine were completely worn out and some new undies and PJ shorts, lol. I got the eye mask that ended up being free since they refunded me and the diamond candles. I’ve been in a bit of a shopping mood but I’ll have to cut that out because otherwise I’m going to end up broke. @_@

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-06-2017 at 03:23 PM..