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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-21-2017, 04:35 PM

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I woke up with another headache today and a stiff neck but fortunately both of them went away without taking any painkillers for which I’m quite thankful. Today seemed to go by marginally faster than the rest of this week but still slowly. Even though the days have been crawling by it’s hard to believe it’s already Thursday…

I had a long meeting in the afternoon but I’m actually thankful for once because it got me out of talking to a client who always comes into work to bug me because she knows I’m trapped here. :/ I was planning on heading right home after work but ended up staying late to chit chat with my coworkers. Finally I got home and had a late dinner. After that I tried to put up the new cat bed, which was successful for a few minutes until one of the suction cups gave out. I think maybe I’ll have to try using hooks on the window above instead since the top left suction cup just doesn’t want to work. I was thinking I might be able to get a bit more of translation I’m working on done tonight but ended up calling and talking to my sister for a while until bed. It was good to hear from her though. It will be nice to see her when I go home to visit next month.

• • •

Haha, so I already touched on this but today at work I narrowly avoided getting stuck with an annoying customer, lol! I do freelance work on translation projects for her sometimes but she’s very…needy. Like she will call me all the time to chat and wants to meet a lot, etc. etc. I think she does not have a lot of friends so she always wants to chit chat but honestly I’m not interested. I’m only working for her and reluctantly at that. -_- I’ve been trying to put some boundaries into place with her since the beginning of the year but it’s been difficult because she’s very insistent. @_@