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Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 08-26-2015, 09:43 PM


  • I didn't submit a madlib, can I still play? Sure, anyone can play, and right up until we reach voting stage.
  • I submitted a madlib, can I still play? I don't see why not. I want everyone to have fun.
  • I submitted a madlib, can I vote? Not for yourself, but yes.
  • How many madlibs can I submit? As many as you would like.
  • What are we voting for exactly? You're voting for the best madlib template by a user, not the best finished madlib. However, the finished, filled in madlibs will be posted for everyone to enjoy, and you can take those into account when picking out the best template.
  • Can I vote if I didn't play? I'm going to say no. Let's keep it to people who actually experienced the process, and their insights. You are welcome to laugh about them in thread though.
  • Can mules vote? No, sorry. As this is user chosen, everything has to be very democratic. One vote per user.
  • Can I reveal which madlib I wrote or campaign for a madlib before or during the voting stage? Nope. Again, this needs to be up to the user to decide on the writing's own merit. Plus, a surprise is always fun, right?
  • I made a mistake somewhere along the line! What do I do? PM me and let me know what has gone wrong. Unfortunately, if we've moved on to another stage at that point, it won't be able to be corrected publically.

Last edited by Cardinal Biggles; 08-27-2015 at 02:11 AM..