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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-11-2014, 12:59 AM

((Please don't feel bad. I didn't want to say anything in case you might feel that way.))

She felt her heart quicken at the mention of Arturo. Biting a lip only a moment, she blushed and looked down. Then looked back up, eyes full of questions. "Is he well? What trouble did you all run into? If he is hurt, I have practiced using water to heal with. I am much better at it now and won't douse anyone quite so badly as before." She paused speechlessly. Did she want to see him that bad that she would ask endless questions like a child? Evidently so.

Looking at Sean in concern, she asked, "And you. Your face has strain in it. Are you okay?"