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persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 10:08 PM

  • :rolls: gaaah~ Tired.
    art for you~
    It's uh...kind odd. I'm not doing to good today @_@;

    I've only had one forced resave, and that was a naked glitch. I'd kept it for longer then alot of people, but they finally got to me D:
    It saved me so much gold+money from items @__@;

    @Pretty Handsome Awkward
    I do~??
    :runs for her purse:
    do you have change for 20c?

    Oh wow.
    That's odd. I've never really had any major glitches since I've been a zombie-thing.

    I miss out text walls as well ; __ ;
    I want to get online more.

    :luffles: GO SLEEP~!!!!!

    I'm off for a little while. Might be back soon :"3