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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 02-12-2020, 11:29 PM

Citizen Name:Stacey Chalk
Senshi/knight Name:Sailor Star Rainbow
Element of influence:Star light,Rain and time
Height:5 foot 7 inches
Weight:around 150
Physical traits: eye green,Hair color deep chocolate brown all most look's black,body shape hour glass.
Personality:Sweet,kind, friendly,strict,smart,fun loving and shy
Planet or Star:Star's and Rainbow's
Favorite color:all Pinks,White and Sky Blue
Favorite Food: Potatoes,pickles,sweet's stuff and Strawberry's
Attacks:Star Flower Wish,Time Stop Magic,Rainbow Song,Star Rainbow Death,Star healing.
Princess/prince: Princess Star Lady
Guardians:Little Star

Name:Little Star
Age: 0 as a Mau kitten. human form about the age of 2
Favorite color:Red
Hobbies:climbing,sleeping, napping,playing with balls of yarn and oh yeah loves to read books as well.
Favorite Subject:Reading
Least Favorite Subject:gym
Favorite Food:Cat Fish
Mau Kitten appearance: but with a star rainbow colored star on her forehead.
Human appearance: but with Grey eyes and white hair in star shape buns,has star shape earrings on instead of heart ones. oh and a rainbow colored star on her forehead. but dose not show up as much and has a cat tail form her Mau kitten form on her. but it would not go away not matter how many times she tried to make it go away. so when people ask her why dose she have a neko tail on she lies saying that is a pretty of a cosplay item that she likes to keep on all the time.