Thread: Hidden Magic
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Ninja-Princess33 is offline
Old 07-26-2017, 11:01 PM

The hunters stumbles back as the summoner had summon the demon. "What the hell?!" He said as he regroups with his comrades. Haji smirks lightly at his success and looks at them, "What's the matter? Afraid that you might get beat for once." he said as he looks over at the demon. "I need aid dealing with theses hunters." he sudden felt weak. Summoning had always taken alot out of him. "Please drive them away...." he said panting.

The hunters glare as they was taken a change in being killed. "Lance we can't...we need to retreat now...we aren't prepare to face a demon." The black hair person talks to the person upfront of him. He turns around and looks at him, "We are not backing down...we have our orders to kill this magic user. I'm not scare of a demon.." Lance says as he pulls out his gun and points it at the demon. "We just need to take out this demon before dealing with him." He goes on saying to the other two with him.