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Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 01-26-2012, 02:33 AM

(( Just to make things a bit easier, I'm going to say Pre'acha'n introduced himself when the others did. Drakina said she will be editing her post. ))

Heiro kept the welcoming smile on his face and nodded to each of the potential voyagers as they introduced themselves. He also kept an ear on his crew as they quietly talked among themselves, just to keep track of their impressions of the rich "landfolk". When Shay stepped forward his smile grew some and he looked her up and down, noting the fine details on on clothing as well as the uncertainty she had in her voice.

"Yes, Lady Shay, I will--" He stopped mid-sentence as Priscilla pushed past him and walked onto his ship without any invitation. His hale-fellow smile dropped and his eyes narrowed as he turned to watch her sway. He smirked slightly as she moved with a bit less dignity to the other side of the deck and Karlin danced, seemingly mocking the ill socialite. He then turned back to the rest of the guests, his warm smile switched back on. He looked to Nereus as he spoke then, and nodded "Of course. They are of one of the newest designs, sure to hold even in the humidity here." he said with confidence.

"Now, as I was saying a moment ago, I shall be giving you a personal tour of my ship and answering any questions and concerns you may have. If you would all please step aboard, we should get started while we still have daylight." He said, accented voice soft, but business-like. He stepped to the side and swept his arm out in a gesture for them to move ahead. Once they were all on the deck, he allowed them a few moments to look around and get used to the slight bobbing motion of the anchored ship.