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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 05-03-2010, 02:33 AM

Luccator stood from his spot at high table and sighed. Right on time the bell rang and all eyes turned to him. He looked over all of them putting on a smile and then clasped his hands. He bowed his head and then said the prayer in Latin and then in English. "Dear Lord, please bless this food to help our bodies, minds, spirits, and souls for this day. For without you we are nothing but with your help we are everything. Amen." he said and then sat. The hall errupted into talking and eating and he ate quietly not wanting to talk.Alexander laughed loudly as the prayer was over. "Dude that guy is totally gotta be gay... He hasn't had a relationship ever.. Ans they encourage that here!" a guy said and Alexander let it slide. "Yeah, there's a rumor that he won't get a match at graduation just because he's too perfect." another said and Alexander growled. "Thats not true. He just concentraits on school too much and doesn't have time for anything else. Besides it's not like one of you dorkss could be the champion. I mean a girl contestant could kick you asses." he said and they all laughed agreeig and began joking again.