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Old 05-28-2007, 05:42 PM

  • Here's several things that would make me happy:

    •More yellow, pink, and purple items (for both genders)

    •Foxy items! Different colors too! Like the traditional red tipped white but also colors like white tipped red, black tipped red, and adding in just all sorts of crazy things (but I'll be happy with fox items in general).

    •Pets that can be bought in stores. Yes,yes, I know, the dredded reasoning, but I greatly dislike the way that Gaia has pets. Anyone should be able to get them. Animals like Dogs, cats (which that cat looked awesome, BTW), Gummie bears (xD), even hamsters, ferrets, birds, and (you guessed it) foxes. Some rare pets could also be sold for limited times, possibly?

    •Golden and yellow shoes

    Thanks for reading!




    I also wish to add my name to the list of those wanting shrunken heads!
    And purple wings!