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Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-12-2015, 06:25 AM

Lol well I don't have too much of a choice, I have to take pre-reqs this fall semester because the radiology/sonography program only starts in spring, so if I don't take my pre-reqs and pass them I have to wait ALL the way until the program starts again in 2017 I was suppose to take my pre-reqs in spring, well they had issues getting my high school transcripts and so I ended up not being able to register because it was past the dead line, THEN the summer semester I was trying to get into the college wanted 3 LEGAL ties to the state. But they had to of been in your name for the past 12 months. I had my drivers license, and my voters registration so that was 2 *like car registration, mortgage title etc* well living with my parents and everything being in there name. I had to jump through a ton of hoops to get an exemption to enroll in the school under in-state tuition instead of out of state. well that didn't clear until a week after the last day of registration. That was a nightmare. I almost gave up. My hormones were insane and I was ONE pissed off hormonal mommy-to-be. Well now that is all settled, I just have to sign up for my classes *hope that the online classes aren't all full* and then get the financial aid payments through before the 22nd. So Monday I'm meeting with the advisor to settle all that so there shouldn't be any more issues. And I've even asked my parents to upfront pay for my classes this semester IF the financial aid decides to be a butthead issue, they said yes of course. I mean it's not like financial aid wouldn't reimburse me, or my work, and I have a job. Lol I just don't have that kinda money in my account right at this moment since I just bought all the baby stuff and paid off my car this past month <3 YAY. Least my medical bills for having my son are taken care of. Thank god for insurance through my work.