Thread: Lotus Tears
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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 08-11-2017, 04:30 PM

"Like our souls are two half of the same soul, simply calling out to each other," Isamu said, feeling more confident it became clear that Wufei and him were both trapped in the absurdity of these emotions together. He pushed another step closer to Wufei, dropping their hands away from his face but keeping their fingers latched together, chests touching and breath mingling between them. "I've only known you a day, and yet it feels like eternity stretches behind us and we were meant for this moment." Still he hesitated to take that final step towards what he wanted. It went against all propriety and everything he expected when he saved this man, but it still seemed so right and his lips tingled from just the thought. He pushed forward just a little bit more, tilting his head towards Wufei, but hesitating the last breath before, fear stopping him from closing that final gap.