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strange_dreams_512 is offline
Old 09-03-2011, 04:49 AM

Awww how adorable! I have pets too x3

I love love love my kitties... and I still call them mine because I raised them from birth. My dad gave them away to some people on craigslist while I was out of state. I nursed them to health for about 2 weeks because they almost died. (Their mother was very tiny and could not fit all 4 kittens on her at once, so they had to fight for their food, and there were also fleas in the house because of another cat.) Two of them lived, and all of them are in my heart, but these are the cats that I was grateful to have so much time with.

I introduce to you... Bambi and Oliver. (Oliver on left, Bambi on right)

Mikey is their older brother, and he was the only kitten in that litter, lol. Grew up to be a big eater after all that milk to himself, lol. I'm glad he made it so far... his mom kept on sitting on him! lol.. >_< .. We named him Mikey because he would always play with and take away my sister's car key. (= And so always to him, my sister would say, "My key!" It kinda stuck lol. Well this is what he was like as a kitten. >w<

Here is their mommy ^w^ (Precious).. We adopted her from the side of the street when she was a kitten, and put her in a backpack to bring her home from the rain. We kept her secret from our dad for a good two weeks before we told him, lol. (We meowed before we had cats because we just love kittens lollll)

And of course I can't resist from showing you my adorable Chloe.. ^___^ (miniature poodle.. super cute, super smart, lives 20 years, and doesn't shed fur because it' lol) We got her from a family friend I used to be thoroughly convinced was my grandma, until one day I met her actual grandson and realized we weren't related. LOL. :lol: When we got Chloe, she had a fake pearl collar, super fluffy hair, and red painted nails. We watched her and nurtured her, eventually finding that she was different than her siblings, and she loved jumping really high in grass, she licked off her nail polish, and loved more than anything, more than being brushed or being fed treats or snuggling.. she loved her squeaky frog toy and playing hide and go seek with us. I miss her now.. it was great while it lasted, and she has improved my appreciation of cute little dogs!! x3 Here she is.. :)