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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-27-2016, 03:54 PM

The day had definitely been an exciting one, full of running and playing, which was a nice break from how upset Rory had been the day before. She sat cuddle against the pale haired woman, the two of them resting their heads against each other. As Reno yawned, the brown haired Unai couldn't fight the urge as well and yawned after the woman.

Abi sat not too far away, slowly nibbling on various pieces of the melons they had managed to find. They weren't poisonous, she easily knew as much, though she had to fight the fruit from Reno to check it before she simply tried to eat it through the rind.

Eyes rolling up, she was content at how peacful Rory looked. The distraction was definitely good and she hoped it kept up until she was safely able to say they could begin looking for her sister. If the same thing from the night before happened again that night, she wasn't sure if she would be able to give the go-ahead any time soon.

As the topic changed to looking for Zero, the green haired woman placed her piece of fruit onto a leaf she had before her. "He was supposed to meet up with us some time ago, I do believe," she said rolling her eyes over to Ryna. "Do you have any idea as to why he wouldn't have?"