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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 04-05-2016, 11:20 PM

"I'm sorry, Lucy... It's hard for me to express love. I don't think it's working out."

Of course, this man would pick NOW, after they'd slept together, to tell her that 'it's not working out'. Lucy sat up in his bed, looking at him with wide eyes.

"W-what?!" Lucy was dumbfounded. She loved this man with her entire being, even now as he was telling her that it was over. Within seconds, however, her love for him became a burning rage and she began scanning the room for something... The man began to pace in front of her, in front of the bed where (he thought) she was laying.

"It's not you, Lucy. It's me... We're just too diff-" The man sputtered as Lucy stabbed him in the shoulder with a pair of scissors. It was the only thing she could find closest to a weapon. Lucy's eyes were overcome with something near the purest form of hatred she could muster. The man screamed as Lucy pulled out the scissors and drove them back into his body, blood staining her hands. She was angry. Angry that this man claimed to love her only to get her into bed. When Lucy loved someone, she put her entire soul into it, she hated, HATED that someone used that to their advantage.

"Lucy!" The man screamed, but Lucy wasn't listening. She stabbed him one last time and kicked him away from her fiercely.

"You never loved me!" She yelled. "I hope I never see your ass ever again." Lucy moved away from him and walked over to her pile of clothes that were on the dresser and she began to get dressed as the man she loved was squirming on the floor in pain. When she was fully dressed she walked over to him and kicked him in the stomach. Smiling a little when he groaned.

"I'm going home."

. . . .

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Jack asked his sister as she came into the apartment, she was wearing the same clothes she wore last night before she left. Jack knew what that meant, but he was surprised she bothered to come back home so early.

"No." Lucy lied.

"Well it's Hurry-Up-And-Get-Your-Ass-To-Class-Because-You've-Only-Got-About-Thirty-Minutes-Before-Your-First-Class-Starts time!"Jack was frantic. He always worried about his sister when she was out for long nights. Jack knew his sister wasn't exactly... all there and he always worried about people taking advantage of her. Little to his knowledge that was exactly what had happened. Jack noticed the blood on her hands. "Lucy...? What happened?"

"Nothing." Lucy grumbled. She made her way to the bathroom so she could wash her hands. "Just go to class, I think I'm going to skip classes today... I had a long night and I need to be ready for work at the cafe tonight."

Jack didn't question his sister any more than he needed to. He could tell something was wrong, but if she wasn't going to tell him, he wasn't going to press the issue. Jack picked up his things and made his way out of the apartment.

. . . .

After class, Jack approached a classmate of his to ask about some of the questions that would appear on their exams.

"Hey, Jack.... Did you hear about what happened to Tim?" His classmate said.

"Tim...? Oh, the guy my sister is dating?"

"Yeah, well, he was just carted off to the hospital early this morning. A friend of mine saw the ambulance pull up in front of the dorms and take him away."

Jack put two and two together. The blood on his sisters hands, the fact that the man she was dating was just carted off to the hospital. It all made sense, but Jack decided to avoid talking about it further. "Maybe he just got drunk and fell down the steps or something." Jack said.

"Who knows, man...."

Jack hoped that no one would find out what happened to Tim. His reputation was already on the line.


Back at the apartment, Lucy laid on her bed in her room and stared at the ceiling. She wasn't going to tell her brother what happened, and she really didn't care if he ever found out. She meant to go to the bathroom to wash her hands, but she lifted them to her face and stared at them instead, it felt really, really good to stab that man. She stilled loved him despite it all. But, he deserved what came to him.

Lucy let the time drag by. Once it became close to her scheduled work time, she decided to finally rinse the blood from her hands and get into her work apron and make her way to the cafe. Hopefully tonight would be a slow night and she could spend this time processing what happened this morning.