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Most shy away from conflict. I embrace it, as it embodies who I am.
Andraus is offline
Old 10-17-2015, 10:03 PM

"Pretty good, actually. The painkillers they gave me help me ignore most of my more serious injuries......"he said, lightly patting his ribs. "A couple of these boys got fractured, but Doc Moresby set them up right. "He said, leaning back. "Other than that, I was just glad to use my muscles. I am not one prone to extremely violent encounters, but it was good to use my full strength. True test to how far I've come, and how much more I need to go. "he said to her, leaning back. "They also have me feeling a bit more....I don't know, clear? Yeah. Like, I didn't notice how beautiful your hair looked in the evening sun. It has a nice shine to it. "he said. The medicine obviously lowered his sense of self-control, and he was practically flirting with her now.