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The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 11-14-2014, 02:37 AM

"I agree completely lady!" Aiden said suddenly as he came within ear shot of the group of people. He needed only to take 3 large steps before he was now incorporated with the group, and standing directly behind his twin. "I am sorry for her, she gets emotional when Mystic stones are mentioned!" He apologized before bending down and hoisting the girl to her feet. "A man nearly killed her thinking she possessed one!" he added shaking his head slightly as he hugged the girl tightly to him. "Ever since then we have been both intrigued and frightened about the stones, I should love to learn more!" He stated taking a small step close to the Blaze. He couldn't help but look her up and down as he did so, lingering on her covered face for a moment before looking at the rest. The Cat girl was indeed the strangers of the bunch but he didn't let his curiosity get the better of him. They were in deep now, and he had better just go along with the facade instead of just running off and causing a fuss over a coin purse. "PLEASE, Let us retire to the nearest tavern to learn more about these Magical Stones!" Aiden then stated a little more forcefully, but with a small smile showing he meant nothing by it! He just wanted to get out of these streets and away from all of the commotion, half caused by him, the other by some stranger that seemed to be a glutton for punishment.