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Marguerite Blakeney
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Marguerite Blakeney is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 05:27 AM

1) We don't like her, her husband, and the grandma that lives with them. They ALL lecture. Plus they never gave me a Christmas present last year but only to my cousins hmph >: ( So aunt owes me a shopping spree

2) Yes she goes to church every day. I don't know why and I don't wanna know. But she does.

3) She has binoculars. I was gonna jacc them from her to stargaze but she said I'd be a peeping Tom instead. I was like WTH IS YOUR PROBLEM!? Otherwise she would've given them to me because she and my uncle don't use them.

4) He didn't go last time because he was scared ju was gonna strangle his ass >: )

5) SHE WANNA TAKE AWAY MAH BUNNEHS. Oh well, she got her bunnehs removed couple months ago because of her bunneh cancers. Hahaha suuuuucks. I was like "your implants burst huh? That's why you're sick now." She DOES say I'm too old for chocolate and for plushies. But DUDE they're what I like, they're what I collect. What's her problem?

6) No she didn't know. I told her bout that video in L-V's class where some lady ate turkey (this was after thanksgiving that year) and she fell asleep. She was like "I've never heard of that before ROFLMAO" I was like...shut up -_-