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MeIshCutie is offline
Old 06-20-2016, 08:53 AM

Hi everyone! From now on, I'll be posting recently watched movies either from the theaters or at home (rent). Other than sharing, I thought it will probably be nice to have something to look back on just in case I forget what the movie is about and it'll help to refresh my memory. There has been times when I'm watching either a remake or sequel where I am in a daze trying to remember the original movie in order to connect it to a current movie I am watching. So, this thread can hopefully help me do the job hehe because it'll be a total waste of time (sometimes) to re-watch a movie for the sake of a remake or sequel.

Table of Contents: (click a link to be directed to the post)
Descendants of the Sun
Ip Man 3
This Is My Love a.k.a My Love Eun Dong
Underdogs (animated 2015)
Jane the Virgin
Beating Again (Netflix) a.k.a Falling for Innocence (

First Entry: Central Intelligence
(Source: Fandango)
Mild-mannered accountant Calvin (Kevin Hart) is stunned when he runs into an old high-school classmate named Bob (Dwayne Johnson) -- once an overweight and frequently bullied teen, Bob is now a CIA agent who's in perfect shape. However, their reignited friendship turns dangerous when Bob asks for Calvin's help with a crucial mission involving the hacking of U.S. spy satellites. Directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber (We're the Millers). ~ Jack Rodgers, Rovi
My Review/Re-cap

The movie was great! There was a ton of moments where the audience including me laughed. Dwayne and Kevin had an awesome chemistry, I never had ever imagined "the rock" in a comedy genre movie XD. In the part(s) of the movie where the reunion was being mentioned with Bob, I honestly thought that he'll be naked again because of the bullies but I was wrong and partially right haha. I totally recommend this movie.!


At the beginning of the movie, it was flash backed to "20 years ago". Bob was in the shower butt naked and several bullies carried and threw him in front of every seniors at a basketball court. Everyone laughed except for Calvin (a.k.a Golden Jet) and Maggie (his wife). As soon as Calvin snapped out from the shock, he offered his jacket to Bob for him to be able to cover himself. At that time, Calvin was the coolest and the most amazing student.

Fast forward, Calvin became an accountant who is miserable and definitely does not feel "successful" as how he was branded back in high school. Meanwhile, Bob became fit and a CIA agent. The two first got connected through Facebook where Bob sent a friend request to Calvin and immediately asked Calvin to hang with him. Little did Calvin know that he is trapped by Bob the moment he said that he can do anything for Bob to pay back the happy moments/memories that was brought back to life.

Inside Calvin's house, he was tricked to look into a database to pull out information that Bob has told him. The next morning, there was central intelligence agents that came into his house to search for Bob but they failed. The next time that Bob showed up was at Calvin's office where Bob forcefully said that Calvin is "in" and tried his best to escape the agents with Calvin. After escaping the agents, both were at an abandoned warehouse where Bob was attacked by an old friend and Calvin rode a bank to escape Bob.

The agents who are looking for Bob was able to corner Calvin and asked him to carry a device in order for them to follow the two. Eventually, Calvin gave in to Bob and had forgotten about the device. But, after entering a building (visited a bully friend that can help them with the information) Calvin called the agents to capture both of them. However, when Bob was being interrogated Calvin made up his mind to stay behind and help Bob.

I can't thoroughly explain the actions that was happening in the movie but in the end they figured out who actually was the Black Badger (past partner of Bob who is supposedly dead; Phil).

During the reunion, Bob faced his past and punched the hell of the bully. He was crowned as the new homecoming king (which was set up by Calvin by cheating) and Bob was gradually stripping off his clothes as a sign of facing the horror of the past and being strong of overcoming it.

Last edited by MeIshCutie; 07-05-2016 at 07:55 PM..