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Ascadellia is offline
Old 05-26-2012, 06:50 AM

This... is so boring. She'd been in the carriage for the past, however many hours, waiting for it to get to their destination. Twirling a piece of her now short hair, silver eyes turned to look out the window. The young princess had, for the last few days been on the road traveling to get to the castle, or whatever, to stay there and hopefully find a husband.

Of course, Nerine being herself, had decided to make things a bit more difficult and chopped off her long blood-red locks. The pride of her family. To cut off a females hair was a mark of dishonor, or so went what her mother had always said. Honestly, she liked it better this way. No need to take hours now or fuss about how to wear it. It did look cute, at least in her opinion. It didn't weigh down on her, in fact, it accentuated her face rather than cover it.

Maybe she could have done a neater job though.. Her hair had reached to her lower back, but now it was more or less near her shoulders. The shortest, well.. To her chin and a little higher. Her parents had been furious and scolded her for the deed. But what was done, was done. All the could do was try and make the sloppy job look more, graceful. Besides, if a guy didn't want her because of her hair, then she hardly wanted to be around him. Never the less Marry him.

Shallow men were not on her list. In fact, she hadn't even want to come. Not really. However, it was a way to meet the other royals of the other kingdoms, and hopefully report back home and try and see what could be done for alliances. Seeing the building ahead, her eyes brightened and she straightened up.

"Finally!" As soon as the carriage halted and her door was opened, she bolted out of the inside.

Glad to stretch her legs, The red haired princess smiled. She was late, of course... She had no doubt all the others had arrived the day before, but their carriage had had to be fixed. It'd delayed them longer than she'd wanted. looking up at her new home for the months to come, she took it all in before turning her attention to the bags being placed down on the floor beside her.

"I have to take those in, don't I?" she asked herself lowly, almost frowning at the amused look her driver gave her. They weren't the lightest things. Nor would it take one trip.

Shaking her head, she smirked at the man before offering him a short nod of her head. "Well, thank you for bringing me here, you may leave now, if you want." As she waved at him shortly after those words, she turned her eyes back to the task at hand. Damn.. A low growl emitted from the female as she straightened up her outfit and started to heave one of the larger trunks up to the doors. She didn't mind working but, she Did mind carrying a ton of things up to, whatever available room.