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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 02-22-2013, 01:00 AM

"I'm going to tell you a secret that no one outside of the girls who have been here know not even the boys know. I will be teaching you to fight not anything magor like the boys because it needs to be a secret but queens are bound to be attacked you must learn how to fight, kill someone or if push come to kill yourself." Rena smiled "You thought this would be aout sitting around and looking pretty its not its far more complicated. You need to knwo how to prepare a dinner, who can sit next to who, who really shouldn't sit next to who, how to run a kingdom should you husband be away, how to raise a child to be the next king or queen. You need to know what to wear and when also the best weapon to hid. You will learn to make potions of all kinds, learn how to treat some ingeries. Being a princess is hard work and if you don't put everything you got into it you could wind up dead you're kingdom in shabbels, you're future children slaves especially girls or worse dead." Rena sat down in a chair "To be honest princes and kings have it easy they have just as much to learn but its the finer details that make a kingdom run." she sat forward "Now is you're chance to leave nothing will be held agaisnt you if you just walk out."