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iamnotspam is offline
Old 04-09-2013, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by Princess_Creep View Post
But to say that no one in your roleplay can do homosexual romances... that seems boarderline homophobic to me.

Pardon me, although I don't know what roleplay you're talking about,
I would like to know this:

How is it homophobic to want to enjoy a strictly straight roleplay?

That'd be like saying it's heterophobic to have a gay-only roleplay.
Everyone has their own preferences,
and if you prefer to have a different kind of roleplay then that's your own beeswax.

Heck, speaking of the growing heterophobia,
there are some places where if I can't even say I'm straight without people getting offended
and sometimes calling me a gay-hater,
if I don't apologize right away for being straight,
and I'm not even talking about in gay chats/Threads.
Sure, I'm against the actions of the gay lifestyle,
but as all my gay friends know I still live love them as friends
and I still encourage them to be happy and stuff.
I'm not going to start hating them just because I think gay actions are evil.
That'd be like, well, for an example, a parent not loving their child just because their child did something bad.
It'd be silly!

And the culture today is on the tip of the point where if you're not a bi-sexual or you're not gay,
then you'd better feel bad for all gay people whenever the topic comes up,
and say supportive and encouraging words when the subject arises,
or you're "not being tolerant".

Besides, who wants to be tolerated?
How about if we stick to accepted?

Definition of "tolerant":


Originally Posted by
1: to endure or resist the action of (as a drug or food) without serious side effects or discomfort : exhibit physiological tolerance for
2a : to allow to be or to be done without prohibition, hindrance, or contradiction
b : to put up with <learn to tolerate one another>

Definition of "accept":


Originally Posted by
transitive verb
1a : to receive willingly <accept a gift>
b : to be able or designed to take or hold (something applied or added) <a surface that will not accept ink>
2: to give admittance or approval to <accept her as one of the group>
3a : to endure without protest or reaction <accept poor living conditions>
b : to regard as proper, normal, or inevitable <the idea is widely accepted>
c : to recognize as true : believe <refused to accept the explanation>
4a : to make a favorable response to <accept an offer>
b : to agree to undertake (a responsibility) <accept a job>
5: to assume an obligation to pay; also : to take in payment <we don't accept personal checks>
6: to receive (a legislative report) officially
intransitive verb
: to receive favorably something offered —usually used with of <a heart more disposed to accept of his — Jane Austen>

There. I had my rant.

I'm sorry for the bother, if you feel offended,
however, I'm not going to change any of my opinions just because someone might be offended. :)
If you have the right to be gay,
I have the right to be straight
and still love all the people on this Earth. :)

And if I don't make any sense to you,
then maybe you need to change the perspective
from which you're trying to understand me. ;)

And if you think it's impossible for me to hate gaydomism but love gay people equally,
then sorry but you didn't think hard enough!! x3
Love can't be measured,
so it can't be "as much as" or "less than"!
Love is just love, period! :D

Last edited by iamnotspam; 04-09-2013 at 01:49 AM..