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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 12:23 AM

The speaker in her phone delivers calm, even cold, mechanical voice for all in the room to hear, it matches her impassive expression as she takes in the information. The gears are already spinning in Issa's head, piecing things together. Roscoe knows that from the way she's looking at the possible suspect. It's her trademark blank gaze that seems to see right through people, disregarding their social statuses, cover-up stories and more - all that means nothing to her. (His grip tightens for tiniest fraction when 'suspected of murder' line comes up.) He can't see Androw's face from this angle, but there is such rawness and intensity in the man's voice that he hasn't expected. Apparently it's distracting enough for him to miss the tell-tale twist of Galeron's wrists right before he breaks free. Nathan should have seen this coming, the summary had stated 'ex-military' after all.

How he manages to catch her off-guard, she doesn't know. Maybe she has put too much faith in Roscoe's skill to assure people stay where they're supposed to. If that is the issue, she'll make sure to amend it somehow. Sath moves to snatch her phone back from his hand, but her hand stops midair when she sees his face. I8a doesn't understand emotions, for her trying to comprehend what others feel is like watching television in language she doesn't know. But she's been out in the Galaxy for 5 years already, 3 of them as part of the large and mismatched GLE family. You pick up words, learn what they are associated with over such a time. And although emotions are probably the only aspect in Universe that she's slow at grasping, I8a has learned to recognize certain signs and what they mean.

And the signs on Galeron's face are those of a man on verge of breakdown. And that makes him dangerous. She motions her hand slightly in the dismissive manner he immediately recognizes as command. No need to make this more ugly than it has to be. But the other two officers still train their guns on him, they will until she tells them to stand down. For now, those words remain behind her closed lips. If they fired the shots, it would not be her responsibility. At least not entirely. "Mr. Galeron, calm down. I am Senior Agent in charge of Freelance Galaxy Law Enforcement Information Unit. I have rights and means to access even highly sensitive information," she offers as explanation, in an attempt to placate the man somewhat, showing her badge as proof. That his file certainly didn't fall in that highly sensitive category he doesn't need to know for now, but I8a might share that if the man continues to rant about it.

She has stopped Nathan just seconds before he apprehends Galeron again. He stands back, hand on gun in holster and takes in the situation, trying to piece together why she stopped him. The cyborg catches up quickly, noticing the look in the other man's eyes shortly before the arrogance mask slips in place. He has seen that look before far too many times. It makes people more unpredictable and that's why she left an option for them to keep their hands clean, if things go wrong. But the guy's not dumb, he knows what will happen is he loses his grip.

Roscoe thinks, I8a's mind is probably all straight lines and sharp turns, conjoined in perfect, efficient symmetry - a system of highways more than anything -, while Radelle's is like a crazy roller coaster ride, where the thrill of the moment and concept, novelty of it all overshadows surroundings and the destination doesn't matter as much. But on those highways of Boss' mind, there are no dinners with sign 'Best full Emotion and Motivation explanation course on E109!'. She sees the mix of emotions, but doesn't know it means that this man has a purpose and he won't do anything that would get in his way of accomplishing it. And getting shot or killed by GLE would surely do that. (Nathan would like to say he would just shoot him in leg or arm if the bastard hurt Boss, but he can't with full sincerity.)

But the arrogant mask is back in place and I8a catches the device with ease, unblinking. She places it back in pouch while Galeron continues to explain his reasons, drawing it out and using one of those lazily authoritative tones that she has never seen point of. Why should modulation of voice make her do something she normally wouldn't or make her more inclined to obey someone's orders? It's a strange thing, really. But it seems to work very well on most people of any race, so Sath has adopted it on some level. It shows in slight rise of volume in her speech, curt and straight to the point word choice, where in her heart she is inclined to pick more elegant forms of words, weaving them together in beautiful sentences.

"Stand down," she tells the other officers and they do, after short moment of hesitation. She is already looking up 'Giles' in her gadget filled phone, but there are few thousands of those in the database, so she'll need more than past name. "What is this about Giles, Radelle? If there's file in there, send it over to me as soon as possible. Do you think you can wrap this up quickly or you'll need to stay behind?" I8a looks at her engineer, then turns to the other person on her team, "check if the databank really is rigged." He nods slightly, in his 'on it, Boss' way, and moves towards hole. Meanwhile, her attention is again fully on the blue-haired man. "You will have to come with us in a moment to answer some questions, Mr. Galeron." There's no room for arguments, judging by her tone, although he may offer some. If so, she'll remind him that it's in his own best interests to come quietly.

"If anyone tries to move this or even access it, they get blown up in sky-high along with the databank. Some masterful work done here," Nathan tells her after quick scan, eyebrows slightly raised. "Either there's something important in there to protect, or it's a good trap, but then it could be false bait." It's the most he has said today, but cases usually make him more talkative, at least when they concern his field of work. "It's not false bait. They wouldn't go through the hassle of dragging it out of the other room and over here if it was. Easier to just transport fresh one in on one of the pads." Right, the marks on the floor.

"I can disarm it, but I need for everyone to clear out. I'll do it after Radelle is done with her part." He is standing next to her now, seemingly looking at the petite redhead, but he is aware of each move Galeron makes. "Are you sure we don't need bomb squad?" she inquires in a manner that only he can hear, as always concerned for her team's safety. Nathan's eyebrows shoot slightly higher at this, and he calmly tells her that he can handle this. Sath doesn't ask again, knows there is no point. Some arguments can't be won and he has never been wrong about these things before. If he changes his mind at any point, he will take the necessary steps. She has no reason to doubt his judgement.

I8a tells two local officers that they can let the coroner & forensics guy in and the cyborg uses the opportunity to move to Radelle's side. He took note of how she didn't say she was okay. Boss probably figured that since there seems to be no physical harm done, the other woman is fine, but she hasn't taken the scare into consideration. He has. Hopefully, their hacker won't have to stay behind on the crime scene now that forensics are arriving. She doesn't need the additional creepiness that the race usually taking up this job carry around them like thick, sticky smog. Rasthash is its name, tall and lanky with limbs too long and thin, their skin is sickly gray stretched over bones and features seem to consist mostly of bug-like eyes and large mouth that has no lips, hiding multiple rows of sharp teeth - remains of time when they fed off the flesh of others. Now their evolution has pushed them onto path of feeding off death. They don't have to kill, they gain energy from being around the dead, working with them and exploring every aspect of its cause. Murder with all its negative energy is a particular sweet treat for any Rasthash.

Roscoe isn't racist, but somehow, he can't banish the thought, the feeling, that many Rasthash actually don't stop with simply admiring kill. There is something about these beings that seems to step even on Boss' toes, perhaps their openly expressed ghoulish love for all things related to death and disrespect for dead. That's why she always makes sure forensics & coroner man in one person would arrive after they're mostly done with the scene and that's one decision Roscoe fully supports, although he has never voiced and doesn't plan to either. "Everything alright with you?" he asks Colctivus woman in his usual impassive tone, observing both her and 'Mr. Galeron' while Boss gathers last bits of information about first responder and anonymous tip that sent them here. (Tells them to not go near data bank and not let anyone else close, too.) They will be leaving soon, he'd prefer to stay with Radelle if she has to stay on scene, but most of his tools are back on the ship and he has to take the bagged evidence there, too.

Sure enough, not more than 5 minutes later, they are escorting Galeron guy back to Pincer. I8a walks on his left, while Nathan takes right. If Radelle is coming, too, he guesses she'll walk besides her friend or bounce ahead of them to the ship. It soon comes into view, masterfully 'parked' in tiny clearing near the warehouse. Their Boss doesn't bother with spaceports when they have caught a case in some obscure location that may as well be on the other side of planet from spaceport. The spacecraft is obviously an older model, but if it was to be judged by freshness of its paint and general level of maintenance, it may as well have been manufactured yesterday and taken out for its first spin. Otherwise so seemingly uncaring Sath doesn't accept anything untidy and ugly in her presence if she can help it. Once, she casually shared with Nathan that when the ship came in her possession, she painted it inside and out as well as repaired all by herself, because she didn't have the funds to hire anyone else to do it.

As bizarre it sounds, he caught her twice wielding paint sprays, cans and brushes during these 3 years, but after short discussion, I8a let him in on the action both times, although more unwillingly than it would make sense. He figured it was something about being able to do it on her own, honor or something of the sorts, but never asked. Same as he never asked how she came to own bounty hunter ship (it's easy to tell just by looking up the model name alone, if the large share of high-grade weapons, speed and stealth or holding cell aren't hints clear enough), but by little she has told he guesses it has to do something with the crew she used to work for. It may not be past her to work for hunters, since her morale view is strange in some ways. Despite his musings, he is also aware of anything Galeron might do, be it scratching his nose, shifting ever so slightly in uneasy manner or making a run for it. Roscoe wouldn't let him get very far, though, and perhaps I8a would surprise him with even faster reaction.

When they enter ship, the cyborg leads the other man into holding cell and shuts the doors behind him. After short contemplation, he decides to ask I8a to let him sit through the interview with her. It wouldn't be first time they did it together, wouldn't be the last time either. There was something about this ex-military man that made Roscoe cautiously curious. She agrees without second thought and so, he follows her in the holding cell that serves as interview room.
~ Dreaming; Yellow Welcome Balloon, Ruby Red Suntinas, Cloud Hibiscus and a lot more. ~
~ My Shop ~ My Runway ~

~ p o p p e t ♥, Queen_Andais, star2000shadow, Eastriel are absolutely amazing ~