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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 03-31-2016, 03:51 PM

"I think the far likely scenario is that you'd be writhing on floor in pain or simply knocked out," she interjected with roll of her eyes. Yet, Ryx continued as if he hadn't heard her and his next statement made the elven woman glare.

She did know his scent - the mix of something masculine yet refreshing, with touch of spicy, which seemed so familiar for some reason -, but she'd rather get punched in gut than tell him that. "Well, I am sorry I don't go around sniffing people like few certain weirdos," Lumena said instead.

And after that, they didn't have time to continue their argument as they fled the scene, as if they were the criminals. Well, in law's eye they were, which was highly amusing, considering her daytime profession. Why, in fact, she had even prosecuted few of self-claimed heroes. But their attempts had taken lives instead of saving them, so she felt no regret about putting them behind bars.

Her hand moved to grip his wrist, but it was neither to hold him there or push him away. She merely grasped it, letting him know he was not in any more control of the situation than she gave him. And should Ryx' fingers start to move somewhere where they shouldn't, he'd find himself lying flat on his back. But he didn't take advantage of the situation. He never did. Yet, she hoped he also couldn't feel how her heart had sped up, just a little bit.

"Well, at least we know your motivation for staying in the crime-fighting business," she commented dryly, trying to maintain the image of nonchalance, but her eyes flickered down to his lips. It was merely psychological need to look at conversation partner's face and that happened to be the only uncovered area, Mae told herself. So, when Ryx retreated, she suppressed a sigh. Was it that of relief? Had to be. Though there was little to worry about.

Although he had always made flirtatious comments and even moves like these since they met, not once had Ryx actually forced his actions on her. At first, she had thought it was merely because he didn't mean any of it seriously, but getting to know him better, she realized he respected her choices. Of course, his advances might still be as air-headed as she had guessed, but if she didn't accept them, it would never come to hurt her.

His next words made her heart do a strange lurch. Would he truly trust her with his identity? But then again, there were millions of people in the city, he could be your regular Joe that she'd never see or meet, so in a sense, it in itself was protection. Unlike her, who was visible in all kinds of medias. Though she had hard time imagining him as someone who merged with the crowd. But maybe he'd never dare to be like he was when his disguise was in place?

"Most people dare to be their real selves only when their identities are hidden, protected. So perhaps I already know you better than any of your friends..." She shot him a side-way glance, hoping he'd not turn this statement back towards her. So, the woman urged him to talk about his discoveries.

"So sorry to disappoint," she retorted, eyeing the man who was about to become her neighbor. Pizza on workday night had to mean he was most likely single, unpractical as your every average man, too busy or too lazy to do grocery shopping and learn to cook. That he was far from being flab probably meant he was simply too occupied with whatever he did. Though perhaps he was simply taking a lazy day off.

All of this 'evaluation' took her maybe half a second and then she proceeded to turn towards her door, before being addressed again. "I am robbing my old apartment," Silvana replied simply to his question, "and bringing the goods here." At the latter part, wry smile spread on her lips.

Even if he didn't appreciate her humor, the stranger seemed to take pity on her cause and proceeded to snatch her belongings away from her (but how, when she had put warding magic on them all just few minutes ago to make sure her things weren't stolen by random passerby?).

But she did accept his hand in a firm handshake, telling him that she's Silvana. And after brief consideration, she accepted his proposal. "I believe I should be the one offering pizza, though, as a thanks. Maybe next time then?" the woman suggested, opening her new apartment doors and bringing in the first box. Good thing, she thought, that all of her magical equipment would be arriving later by special delivery and other part of it was in her new hideout.

But what she didn't know that this would be start for a whole new chapter in her life in so many more ways than she could have ever expected. And one of them would indeed be titled 'Kev'.

Last edited by sadrain; 03-31-2016 at 03:53 PM..