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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-15-2012, 03:14 AM

It was nearing lunch as the volleyball game came to a rest. Different people were heading out to do different things. She went and bought those still around drinks. Bringing the tray of them over with a brimming smile, she offered them to the group with a cheery greeting. Everyone happily thanked her and was reaching for a glass when a friend of the guy who had tripped her elbowed the tray, causing it to fall. Looking at the glasses and ice laying in the drenched sand, he apologized and suggested that she go get another tray. After suggesting that, he quickly apologized for his clumsiness and made a pitiful scene about how sorry he was. Everyone, including Mindy, told him not to worry. Mindy sighed and went to get another tray. This was costing a bit more than she planned. This time when she came over, she set the tray on a nearby table and waved them over. Soon everyone was around talking merrily.

Then the two that had caused her trouble earlier started taking up the show, not letting anyone get an edge in otherwise. Especially if someone talked to her and she tried to talk to anyone. Feeling a bit left out, but certain that no harm was meant, she turned and headed back to where she had been sunbathing earlier. Reaching down, she pulled on a pair of jeans and a blouse over her bikini. Shaking out her towel, she put everything in her bag and swung it over her shoulder. Glancing back at the happy group, she was a bit sad that no one seemed to notice that she was leaving. She sighed. A voice inside her spoke, "Ignore them. The men were being rude and no one stood up against their bullying." She mentally responded, "Back off. No one was bullying anyone." The voice went quiet as it often did when she fought back. She was herself and the voice never pushed her. It seemed to genuinely care about her.

Turning, she left the beach and headed out to the parking lot. Why leave though when there was plenty of other things to do? Looking back at the beach, she decided it had been too crowded there anyways. She turned and headed up a slope. A nice walk would be good and at the top was a wonderful view of the ocean. As she left the beach, the two guys who had caused her trouble earlier watched her like hawks. As soon as she was out of sight on the nature trail, they detached themselves from the others and jogged after her.