Thread: HouLi Tain Tang
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TombeEtoile is offline
Old 06-08-2008, 07:08 PM


<Insert Island Image here>

Long Ago, the Goddess made a small island in the Eastern Sea. On this island she build the grandest mountain, the lushest tree’s, greenest oceans, bluest skies, the most sensual flowers and the juiciest fruits that anyone could have ever known. When she finally finished her wonder, she placed her creations upon it. From the Sea, the Land and Air they flourished and when she was finally happy with her new ‘little world’ she placed one of her most valued creation atop the mountain, a beautiful, egg shaped rock.

For Centuries, this island was left untouched, not even the gods knew that their Mother had created this paradise and that their world would soon be turned upside down. The Heavens shook as a loud crack echoed from earth into the heavens and a bright light shown. The gods being terribly upset that their peace was being broken, demanded a messenger go find the source of the blinding light and the loud crack. The messenger hoped up on top of a cloud and hastily made her towards earth, when she found the source of the light he stood astonished. Before him stood nothing more than what appeared to be a common monkey. The monkey stood there, his eyes burning as bright as the heavens. He spoke no word, just reached for a nearby fruit. As the messenger watched, she noticed the light of the monkeys eyes grew dimmer as he ate. Turning in haste he went back to tell the gods what he had found.

However, before she could get any further, she felt himself falling towards the earth and a shadow passes by her. She watched as she hit the ground the monkey climb atop her cloud and fly off towards the heavens. There the she lay on the ground beginning to cry. She was stuck here now and alone. Days passed and soon she began to notice that where the monkey had stood, more stone eggs began to grow from the ground. She now had seen a reason, a purpose as to why she was left here.
To care for the eggs...

(More stories evolve as more types are released.)