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GummyBearKisses is offline
Old 03-31-2015, 07:20 PM

We can post a story every day ? Today I will post about something I did one time. Once when I was a teenager not quite sure on my age but I had friends who worked the security for concerts and stuff so they let me sneak into a concert one time I ended up backstage and what not then managed to sneak onto one of the tour busses I thought it was the bands bus. I was on the wrong bus the roadie equipment guys got on the bus and caught me that was their bus. I didn't get in trouble or anything they was pretty cool I told them I did it because I wanted to meet the band. They laughed and said it was the wrong bus but we sat and had sodas and pizza. I never got to meet the band but the road crew was almost as cool. They gave me a concert teeshirt and a guitar pick that belonged to the band. =)