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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 06-02-2012, 01:59 PM

((Love it!!))

Mindy the warrior felt approval at Alice's use of what was at hand and threw a death glare at the two men as they cast doubt into the air. She really didn't like them. Then, before anyone could blink, a full blown drunk riot was spilling out of the bar beside them. She gasped as humanity flowed around their fight zone filling it with drunken stench and flying fists. Running, she grabbed Alice's hand and pulled her along behind her. Reaching Gilbert, she scooped him up with her other arm and threw him over her shoulder. A creaking, splintering sound filled the air. Walking towards the other side of the street, she glanced back and watched the bar's front boardwalk have the overhanding balcony collapse down from the fight. There was smoke rising from the back with the smell of gasoline lightly scented the air. It was a world of utter chaos.

She glanced into Alice's startled and uncertain face and held her wide eyes with her own. "Alice, I need you."